How To Avoid Pole Dancing Bruises?

How to avoid pole dancing bruises

Pole dancing is a workout that requires grip and pressure to hold and perform on the pole. That’s why it calls for so little clothing and much skin contact.

People often think about sensual movements when mentioning this activity. However, you may think of bruises or pole kisses if you are a poler.

You may want to learn how to avoid pole dancing bruises as a beginner. Luckily, there are some tips to prevent this pain.

This article will also discuss some effective methods that help you heal faster after dancing sessions. Let’s scroll down to discover!

Does Pole Dancing Cause Bruises?

The short answer is yes. Most pole dancers will experience getting bruises when performing and practicing maneuvers.

As shared earlier, bruises are a part of this sport and a feature of polers because you won’t wear protective clothing during dancing sessions.

It’s essential to gain skin contact since you rely on the stickiness to hold and stay on the pole to perform movements.

If you still wonder why you get bruises after pole dancing sessions, below are some potential causes you can consider.

Perform Too Aggressively

When you act aggressively during training or performances, bruises will follow you around constantly.

Your body wants to avoid being shocked when it comes into touch with certain materials.

Therefore, when you use your dancing pole aggressively, you risk getting burns, blisters, and bruises.

Read more: How Do Pole Dancers Not Get Burned?

It’s An Accident

You risk hurting yourself and getting bruises if you’re performing a technique and unintentionally bump into the floor or pole.

Even when you accidentally hit hard objects like a chair, bruises will automatically appear on your face.

Bruises Appear Without Hurting

Despite your skills and levels, you may sometimes get bruises on some parts of your body, but they don’t hurt.

You may bump yourself onto the pole or floor during performance or practice, but you may not realize this.

That’s why polers should use crash mats when practicing sessions. However, improper usage of equipment may cause accidents. So be careful!

How To Avoid Pole Dancing Bruises?

The good news is that bruises can disappear on their own. However, this process will take time.

You can apply the following methods and tips to ease the discomfort and diminish their unsightly presence.

Wear Proper Clothing

Using the appropriate pole dancing clothing can prevent or minimize your bruises.

Since so much cloth moves with you as you twirl around your pole while donning loose-fitting attire, you risk falling off the floor.

If you wear inappropriate attire, you will have a more challenging time maintaining control of your hands.

Also, loose clothing will make it difficult for you to concentrate. For instance, inappropriate gloves might cause mishaps.

Always dress comfortably but appropriately for pole dancing to have more grip and skin contact.

Read more: What Can I Use Instead of Pole Grip?

Perform Proper Pole Dancing Techniques

It would be best to learn to build and improve strength correctly during your first lessons in this sport.

This way, you can prevent yourself from hurting by performing maneuvers you have mastered.

Additionally, you risk getting hurt and bruised if you try to perform a technique with poor stance and posture.

For this reason, always try to learn and perform proper pole dancing techniques and movements from scratch.

Read more: Common Pole Dance Injuries!

Use Grip Aid

Grip Aid products don’t eliminate bruises from happening, but they may lessen their pain and severity by lightly moisturizing your skin.

The moisture from products like iTac2 or Grip Tac will create an anti-slip layer between the pole and your hands.

You can also use these moisturizers on other parts of your body, such as the inner calves, knees, and thighs, to offer an extra grip with less pressure to avoid pain.

Don’t Rush Yourself

Practice and patience are the keys for all pole dancers when learning to perform movements and techniques safely.

Ensure your body will be ready for any new maneuver before trying one. This way, you can properly posture and stance, preventing unwanted bruises on your skin.

Avoid Massaging The Bruise

Once you have bruises on any part of your body, don’t rub or touch it since doing so will worsen or enlarge the pain.

Moreover, you will feel more aching when you or other people accidentally touch your bruises.

If you do not have products or remedies to ease these bumps, let them be and avoid touching them as much as possible.

How To Heal From Pole Dancing Bruises?

It’s irritating to have some unsightly bruises on your skin, especially if you are a professional poler. Below are some tips you can apply to heal these pole kisses faster. Let’s take a closer look!

Ice Therapy

Ice therapy

Ice is a simple but effective method to help with swelling and bruising quickly.

Blood moves highly slowly over the region due to the ice’s chilly temperature, which encourages the shrinkage of your bruises.

It can lessen the volume of blood leaking from blood vessels and minimize the discomfort you experience from your injury.

Avoid putting ice directly onto your skin since it might cause burns gradually. Instead, use ice bags.

If you don’t have these things, you can prepare a towel, put ice cubes inside, and place them on the bruising areas for around 15 minutes.

It will lessen swelling and discomfort from the injury by tightening your blood vessels that have been injured. Apply this method a few times per day to remove pole kisses quickly.


Applying heat can improve blood flow and circulation. As soon as the bruises have developed, it will aid in removing the blood that has become trapped inside.

Heat therapy can also ease pain and relax tight muscles. It’s acceptable to use a warm water bottle or hot pad. Otherwise, you can soak in a warm bath.


Wrap elastic bandages to the wounded region. Compressing the tissues can lessen the risk of blood vessels spilling.

Compression can assist in diminishing the intensity of the bruises and the swelling and discomfort that comes with them.

Arnica Gel

Use Arnica Gel, an over-the-counter medication from the organic Arnica Herb, to aid your natural healing process.

The anti-inflammatory characteristics of this balm can aid in lessening discomfort, swelling, and bruising.

You can easily purchase this product at your local grocery or drugstore. Use a small amount and gently massage it onto the bruising areas to heal faster.

It’s better to apply this product three times a day to get the best result.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is another plant that eases discomfort and swelling. This succulent features thick, heavy leaves with gel that soothes bruises and lessens swelling.

Additionally, the moisture component of the plants supports the quick regeneration of damaged capillaries beneath the affected region.

If you grow these plants in your garden, you may use the traditional method to treat an injury by slicing off the leaves and applying the gel to them.

You notice its cooling impact on the wounded region as quickly as you apply it. After a particular time and you see swelling, apply a thin layer for faster healing.

Vitamin C

Do you need your pole kisses to heal more quickly, as well as the restoration of any wounds you have? If that’s the case, it’s best to use vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid, another name for vitamin C, is a substance that aids in the body’s growth, development, and repair of tissues.

Daily vitamin C consumption can assist you in keeping a strong, healthy body in addition to helping you remove bruises.

Try to get between 75 and 100 milligrams of vitamin C daily for a balanced diet.

Vitamin C can be available as a capsule or tablet. Otherwise, it is also abundant in citrus, vegetables, or supplements.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K can also aid in bruise reduction. It is available in foods such as broccoli or dark leafy vegetables, or you can use it on your bruises in cream.

Vitamin K aids in the blood’s clotting process and the repair of broken capillaries. This activity hastens our recovery from bumps and bruises.


A combination of enzymes called bromelain is present in pineapple. Bromelain might lessen swelling and bruise severity.

You can take pills containing bromelain or consume pineapple. Otherwise, you can use bromelain cream.



You can also use comfrey to treat inflammation and skin ailments. According to experts, comfrey cream can be helpful in healing bruises.

You can use comfrey cream directly on your bruises. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to use dried leaves to create a compress.


Why Do I Get Bruises From Pole Dancing?

The excessive friction between the pole and your skin will cause pole dancing bruises. Besides, you may accidentally bump into the pole or floor, but you don’t know that until a few days later.

How Do You Toughen Your Skin For Pole Dancing?

You can try some exercises to strengthen your skin. For instance, you can do scissor planks while sitting on the pole. You can try some workouts in this video:

Otherwise, it’s acceptable to use grip aid products to hold the pole more firmly and perform proper techniques, which prevents pole kisses.

Does Pole Bruising Get Better?

The short answer is yes! Pole bruising will go away itself and get better. However, the process takes time.

Will I Stop Bruising Pole Dance?

Don’t get yourself scared or stressed! Bruises are normal, and most beginners will experience this pain.

When you are more experienced and skilled, you can tolerate and have the correct techniques to avoid these injuries.

Does Vitamin D Help Bruising?

Yes! Vitamin D can aid in developing new skin and recovering wounds or injuries.

What Cream Is Best For Bruises?

You can use arnica gel or Vitamin K cream to help your bruises heal faster.

Final Thoughts

Don’t be scared if you get bruises during pole dancing performances. You can achieve more experience and lessen injuries with time with proper maneuvers.

If you suffer from these wounds, you can use various treatments, like ice or heat therapy, arnica gel, aloe vera, vitamin C, vitamin K, pineapple, or comfrey.

We hope our tips will be helpful for your dancing sessions. No pain, no gain! Practice regularly, and you can achieve your goals. Thanks for reading!

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