Is Pole Dancing Hard? Read Before You Try This Dance

Is pole dancing hard

Pole dancing gives you countless benefits for your physical and mental health. You must be eager to get fitter with this exciting sport, but the learning curve may hold you back.

Is pole dancing hard? We will explain the answer in this post. Keep scrolling down; you will know what to encounter during this tough yet rewarding path!

Is Pole Dancing Hard?

Yes. Learning everything is hard. Moreover, pole dancing involves many tricky moves and even risks, adding to the difficulty level.

The first time is always hard

Learning a new skill is never easy. The first few lessons could be challenging for you because your body isn’t familiar with the movements.

Physical dexterity and mental resilience are essential for pole dancing.

The right practice includes the correct guidance, tools, and a dancer’s strong commitment to progress via consistent practice.

Using a pole to dance while twirling seems like fun. Nevertheless, dancing might not seem as simple if you think about tiresome planks, climbs, and leg hangs.

Risks of fall and pain

Along with the challenge of remembering the choreography and performing specific spins, learning to pole dance is also very painful.

After the first few courses, you will surely realize that you have bruises and pains since your sensitive skin needs time to get used to this kind of pressure.

However, you can’t avoid getting hurt while pole dancing. Your need must grip the pole so that you can do the poses and spins.

Pole dancing demands a lot of floor work. You will also need to slide up and down in a beautiful way. Even professional pole dancers get corns, fractures, and bruises.

According to a doctoral study on the most frequent injuries shown by pole dancers, 80% of them experience chronic injuries, while 36.7% have acute injuries.

The most vulnerable parts of your body are your stomach, arms, and thighs, which stick to the pole the most. Hence, there will be more bruises on them.

Read more: How To Avoid Pole Dancing Bruises?

Levels For Pole Dancers To Reach

Your beginning must be hard, but it gets simpler once you progress.

When you have done with the first level, upgrade your skills with the latter. Here is what you need to conquer:

Level 1: Beginner

If you’re a beginner, you’re still getting familiar with the correct body positions and physical training exercises.

A novice can experiment and learn what schedule is best for their present body type under the supervision of an instructor or in the convenience of their own home.

To get started, you also need to decide if you will dance with a spinning or static pole. Crash mats and other gear may also be necessary.

During this stage, you will aim to strengthen your core and upper body, creating a solid foundation for advanced routines later.

Read more: Does The Pole Spin in Pole Dancing?

Level 2: Intermediate

You are starting to master the basics of pole dancing as you go to the intermediate level. You will work on your grip, climbs, releases, and floor work at this level.

Now the beginner tag is unsuitable for you. You can explore and experiment with a little bit beyond the fundamental structure.

Level 3: Advanced

Now your concern is not about remembering the dance moves but how to perform them as gorgeously as possible.

Your body has gained the resilience and strength to endure bumps, cramps, falls, and painful muscles from practicing pole dancing.

At this stage, you can start to adjust your routines and be more creative. You are also able to help new learners.

Read more: How To Build Strength For Pole Dancing?

Level 4: Expert

Expert dancers have successfully overcome all the difficulties of basic techniques, drill preparation, strength-building, and execution.

Through pole dancing, you may now show off your skills in any way. For example, you can open pole dancing classes or join musicals.

Upgrade your skills day by day

Tips To Learn Pole Dancing Easier

If you’re new to anything, don’t let insecurity and fear keep you from exploring and having fun.

You may choose from different approaches to practice pole dancing at your own speed and skill level.

So start with the easiest move and progress to the more complex ones.

Finding a good instructor is what you need to do first. Before starting your first class, make sure you have the following items:

  1. Expect falls from the pole. In this case, knee pads can protect your knee joints from hard strikes and especially assist with knee discomfort.
  2. Protect your wrists by using wrist wraps. These accessories are necessary for pole dancing moves that call for climbing and swinging with your hands.
  3. Ankle wraps have the same purpose as wrist wraps, but they aim to protect your ankles, as their name implies.
  4. Since you’ll fall a lot when you first start, it will be best to land on a soft mat to minimize your injuries. Hence, pick a crash mat made specifically for pole dancing.
  5. A sports bra is better than loose attire, which can limit your ability to move freely and your grip on the dancing pole.
  6. Have a spotter around you when practicing. Spotters will oversee your practice and rescue you in case you get hurt while making difficult dance moves.

Best Moves For Beginners

Do not start with complex moves and feel discouraged afterward. It’s always better to try easy-to-learn exercises first. Here are your options.

Front Hook Spin

Spin around the pole while wrapping one of your legs around it and holding it with both arms. Meanwhile, lift the other leg off the floor.

You may enjoy spinning off the ground by making this move. Moreover, you can work out your muscles and feel more at ease handling your own weight.

Chair Spin

Spin around the pole with your arms gripping it and your feet off the floor. This posture looks like you are sitting on a revolving chair.

Dip Spin

Use both arms to grip the pole. Next, raise the heel of your inside foot. And with that foot fixed on the floor as an anchor, make a turn around the pole.

The turning motion mimics a single-leg squat or a side lunge since you dip the inside leg low.

Secretary Spin

Push force on your outside leg to spin. The closer you stick to the pole, the faster you can spin.

You can feel the effect of your body’s proximity to the spinning rate because this move can bring your body to the dancing pole naturally.

This video will share with you more dance moves that beginners should try:

Is Pole Dancing Harder For Men?

We may think that men are much stronger than women and that it makes pole dancing for men simpler.

However, the proportion of men who practice pole dancing is now much lower.

Most pole dancers we see are women. You may have also met strippers performing in clubs and bars for entertainment.

The key is about the style. Men and women can walk, but their walking movements are different.

Ladies have more elegant moves, making them engage in pole dancing easier.


Learning how to pole dance is hard. However, you can gradually level up your skills and accomplish your goal with dedication.

The outcome will be rewarding for those who deserve it.

Hopefully, our guide has motivated you to try pole dancing. If you have any problem dealing with it, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always by your side.

Thank you for reading!

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